Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Blog on

As Burris, the company, prepares to launch a new web presence, I find I need some outlet for capturing what I'm thinking about ... at any given time. So I guess I'm back - at least for the time being - to blogging.

The link in the title will take you to the old Burris Blog, and in addition to that I wrote and kept up with a couple of others. But I just wore out talking to myself.

This time may be different ... or it mayn't be. Not sure. Maybe I'll wear out again sooner rather than later. Or maybe the blogging capability we're adding to the new burris.com will give me the freedom to do what I want in this kind of space. Again, not sure.

But here we are - here I am - again, ready to work out what I'm thinking about, what's on my mind.

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