Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Dick Cavett's blog

I think one of the best short term blogs I've read recently was that of Dick Cavett on Times Select, the premium content channel for the New York Times. Here's a link.

In case you can't access it without paying for it - and in case you don't want to pay for Times Select - here are two paragraphs to treasure from his February 28 post:

"Tell me, are you too getting just a little bit fed up with our leader’s war? Isn’t everybody? Do you actually know anyone who thinks it’s all going to turn out fine? Except that chubby optimist Dick Cheney, of course, who thinks the Titanic is still afloat.

"And am I alone in finding our leader’s behavior at press conferences irritating? I mean that smirky, frat-boy joking manner he goes into while, far away, people he dispatched to the desert are having their buttocks shot away. It’s worst when he does that thing of his that the French call making a 'moue'; when he pooches his lips out and thrusts his face forward in a way that seems to say, 'Aren’t I right? And don’t you adore me?'"

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