Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Is social networking Web 3.0?

My friend Gordon Dalgleish and I had an email exchange today about social networking, building off a New York Times article from over the weekend. ("Social Networking's Next Phase")

I'm a believer. For a golf outing I'm attending in late March, I set up a Google Group for the guys who are coming in order to communicate to and among them. Eighteen of the 19 other attendees have signed up, and the smack-downs and trash talking are already starting to appear on the site for all the others to see.

Gordon is curious about the phenomenon of social networking, wondering if golfers traveling to the UK and other Perry Golf spots might participate. I believe so ... for several reasons:

• Many have not been before, and they would likely welcome advice about what to take, where to eat and the like from friends and strangers who have taken similar trips.
• Many have made the trip before, and in addition to sharing their experience, they likely want to live vicariously with others who have been to the same places, different places and so on.
• I believe they'll share photos, anecdotes and other information, both with those they plan to travel with and others planning trips now or in the future.

If "Web 2.0" is all about using the Internet to share data, "Web 3.0" is about community. The "social networks" that have been built up around dating and other topics will surely extend to golfers, who naturally want to share their rounds. (How many times have you been through all 18 holes of a friend's recent round?)

To see how far beyond "meeting up" social networking has come, visit Ning. I think this is getting serious.

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