Monday, February 19, 2007

"A championship team instead of a team of champions"

I posted this once before, but in a different location, so I thought it was worth posting up here:

The title of this post is a slightly paraphrased dictum, #4 of "7 notions of innovation," from Kodak's Antonio M. Perez, as quoted in BusinessWeek's IN special section. Here's a link to the article.

At Burris we have a championship team, and it's probably our greatest strength. Six individuals, each with his or her own unique personality and skill set, but all enjoying what we do, (most often) for whom we do it, and - at least I believe it - getting along quite well as a team.

What we need now, what we seem to always need, are more customers to replace the ones whose projects we just completed. We have to keep selling, the key to selling what we do is being able to define it.

We continue to say ours is "an idea company." Need something fresh?

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