Monday, February 26, 2007

Thoughts upon watching Oscar

I watched The Oscars last night because I couldn't sleep. Amazing that the show itself didn't put me under. I gave up around 10:45, I think, long before most of the "big" awards were handed out. But this morning's New York Times filled me in. One photo from the Times is remarkable for the star power: Here are Coppola, Lucas and Spielberg handing over The Oscar to Scorsese for "The Departed." A quick run-down of some of my favorite movies of all time are reflected here, from "The Godfather" and the Indiana Jones series to "The Conversation," "Raging Bull," "Schindler's List," "Saving Private Ryan" and, yes, "Jaws."

Here's the thing, however. I watched "The Departed" on Saturday night (yes, the DVD is now available), and I think that the big-small screen - the 40+ inch TV in our home - I believe TV now offers more time for better character and plot development than the 2 or 2.5 hour film.

Is this crazy? Yes, maybe so. I need to think about this some more...

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