Saturday, February 17, 2007

"I don't care"

Our annual homeowners meeting was today. I go for the oysters. Each year, at the conclusion of the meeting, we have an oyster roast just off the beach. Wonderful. But this year during the meeting there was an issue that caused a lot of discussion, a few motions and seconds and discussion and the "call to question" ...

There's considerable erosion on what the Isle of Palms refers to as "North Beach." The 18th hole at the Wild Dunes Links course is threatened, and the owners of property near there and the community at large are attempting to mobilize to move sand from one part of the beach to help stave off some of the problem. (It's probably too little too late, but as most of the residents in our community are quick to say of themselves, "I am not an engineer.")

Anyway, there's a petition to remove sand from an area near our little community (from an area affectionately known as a "spit") - 36,000 truckloads - to the badly eroded area. Some of the homeowners in our 'hood want to do what they can to help out; others fear that the removal of 5 feet of sand over a 1 million square foot area - the area of the "spit" - might cause a problem at our part of the beach.

I listened to more than an hour of point and counterpoint without participating in the discussion. I just wasn't moved enough by either side to formulate an opinion. One thing I've noticed about myself, a change that's come to me over the last several years: Some things just don't matter. I'm still opinionated about a lot of things ... about most things, I guess. But not everything.

At this point, about this issue, I really don't care.

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