Monday, February 19, 2007

My "-ias" syndrome

Maybe today's the day for confessions...

A friend asked in an email today about my business. I've said this to several before, but it strikes me that there's a lot of truth to it, so I thought I'd share with this audience.

I told him I suffer from an "-ia" problem.

"When we finish a major project, as we did recently with Yamaha Golf Cars, there's this wonderful sense of euphoria. And it's followed by - no, it's simultaneous with - a foreboding sense of paranoia."

Euphoria and paranoia, simultaneously. My "-ia" syndrome.

Ever since we became a project-driven idea company, this is the way it's been. When we're busy, we're busy, and we put so much into it that there's this great sense of accomplishment and relief and satisfaction as we near and come to completion. But, then, what's next? Maybe there's nothing. Uh, oh.

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