Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Is proper English important?

Some bristle when I correct their grammar, syntax or spelling. "You know what I meant," they're likely to say. (Well, not always.)

I found a new blog by Dick Cavett today, and his subject is the language and how politicians - especially the Bushies - use and abuse it. Here's a stand-out comment:

"Getting a little thing like words right, is it so important?

"The right answer is: Yes. As when poorly worded road signs cause fatalities. Sloppy language leads to sloppy thought, and sloppy thought to sloppy legislation. And why not a sloppy war? What if someone issuing an order with grave consequences made the (tiny) error of confusing the last letters of Iraq and Iran?"

I also received a resume and cover letter today. The job applicant (we are not hiring, no) said he "works "not in a haphazard manor...." Well, I hope not.

Write it. But, then, please review it. Please.

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