Monday, February 19, 2007

A technology confession

I don't admit this easily, but sometimes I fall into a technology trap. Yes, me.

On Thursday of last week I read in David Pogue's New York Times column about a service called Spinvox. Sounded cool. What it's supposed to do is take your voice mail messages and transcribe them into text and email them to you. So, no dialing in to your mobile VM and letting the prompts take you forever. Just read your voicemails.

I signed up. (It's free for the rest of 2007 in the U.S.) I received my registration info last night. I followed the directions to the letter this morning. But it didn't work. What's worse, I had difficulty UN-forwarding my mobile, a problem with Verizon.

So I spent about an hour this morning setting up and trying to UN-set-up my new SpinVox account.

I don't admit this easily, but sometimes I fall into a technology trap. Yes, me. I think something sounds cool and/or time-saving so I adopt the tech promise quickly ... only to lose time sometimes, mired in a process that saps my energy and patience.

I don't admit this easily, but sometimes I fall into a technology trap. Yes, me....

Update: Six hours later...
A Spinvox tech rep called me, walked me through their system, and my service is working now. I still have an issue with this and that relating to it, but it's working, and my faith is restored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im using spinvox too, and I am hooked on it as Im sure you will be soon. Have you looked at their spin-my-blog mobile blogging tool? Im using it to update my blog now. Its a very cool way to be in touch with your blog and update it on the fly.